


Workshop Assignments

Week 1

Assignment: Hypothesis and First Three References
Each student will present a ten minute (no more, no less) Powerpoint lecture covering two important aspects of your literature review.
(1) You will introduce us to your hypothesis.  Your hypothesis must be testable using established methodology and using a theoretically and statistically valid sample.
(2) You will present a discussion of three seminal articles that bear on your topic.  This discussion will not be a summary of each article but rather a discussion of what each article provides for your hypothesis testing (e.g., methodology, theory, etc.).  For example, if I were presenting on the topic of dental enamel hypoplasias, three articles that would have to be discussed would be Goodman and others (1980), Goodman and Rose (1990), and Ritzman and coworkers (2008).  What makes these so important?  Take some time and look them up to find out what makes these seminal works in this area of research.
Goodman, Alan H., George J. Armelagos, and Jerome C. Rose. 1980. Enamel hypoplasias as indicators of stress in three prehistoric populations from Illinois. Human Biology 52:515-528.
Goodman, Alan H. and Jerome C. Rose. 1990. Assessment of systemic physiological perturbations from dental enamel hypoplasias and associated histological structures. Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 33:59-110.
Ritzman, Terrence B., Brenda J. Baker, and Gary T. Schwartz. 2008. A fine line: A comparison of methods for estimating ages of linear enamel hypoplasia formation. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 135:348-361.

Week 2

Assignment: Chapter outline and research part 1
You should prepare an outline of your literature review chapter. This will consist of your major headings for the chapter. Your literature will naturally separate into major groupings (e.g., genetic basis of the phenomenon, history of your area of inquiry, important studies that provide the methodological foundation for your research, etc.). These should be your chapter headings. Appended to your outline should be a full bibliography of all of the literature that you have collected thus far. Be sure to use the correct bibliographic style. This will be your nascent Literature Cited section.

Week 3

Assignment: Chapter outline and research part 2
You should modify the outline of your literature review chapter based on our recommendations. Be sure to follow the guidelines for headings in Writing the Thesis (these are requirements, not recommendations). Appended to your outline should be a full bibliography of all of the literature that you have collected thus far. Use the correct bibliographic style.

Week 4

Assignment: Literature Review Chapter Draft 1
Each participant should prepare the first draft of your Literature Review chapter.
Even if you do not get the material written for all of your subheadings from your outline, be sure to include the subheadings in the position that they will appear. Follow the formatting guidelines in Writing the Thesis.
Include tables and figures or at least table and figure titles and placement (remember to format these using the format given in Writing the Thesis).
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using the style of Current Anthropology).

Week 5

Assignment: Literature Review Chapter Draft 2
Each participant should revise their draft of the Literature Review chapter based on the feedback from the first draft.
Even if you do not get the material written for all of your subheadings from your outline, be sure to include the subheadings in the position that they will appear. Follow the formatting guidelines in Writing the Thesis.
Include tables and figures or at least table and figure titles and placement (remember to format these using the format given in Writing the Thesis).
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using the style of Current Anthropology).

Week 6

Assignment: Literature Review Chapter Draft 3
Each participant should revise their draft of the Literature Review chapter based on the feedback from your last draft.
This draft must include all required Front Matter for the thesis. Front Matter must conform to the SFSU Guidelines.
Include tables and figures or at least table and figure titles and placement (remember to format these using the format given in Writing the Thesis).
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using the style of Current Anthropology).
Remember that the text for this draft must be a minimum of 30 pages in length (not including front matter and literature cited).

Week 7

Assignment: Construct a list of your major and minor headings
Each participant should come prepared with a short (ten minute) PowerPoint presentation of your major headings and subheadings.
Your first slide should be a statement of your hypothesis.
Your second slide should be a brief statement of the methodology that you will use to test your hypothesis.
Your next slides should be your chapter headings (one chapter per slide with any subheadings underneath).
Be prepared to discuss the rationale for the titles and order of your chapters.
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research: your last slide should be the citations for the literature for your thesis that you have read this week.

Week 8

Assignment: Introduce your materials
Each participant should come prepared with a fifteen minute PowerPoint presentation of your materials chapter.
Your first slide should be a statement of your hypothesis.
Your second slide should be a brief statement of the methodology that you will use to test your hypothesis.
Your next slides should be an introduction to your materials chapter.
This should in essence be the introduction to your Materials chapter; before preparing this READ the section of Writing the Thesis pertaining to your materials chapter.
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research: your last slide should be the citations for the literature for your thesis that you have read this week.

Week 9

Assignment: Introduce your methods
Each participant should come prepared with a fifteen minute PowerPoint presentation of your methods chapter.
Your first slide should be a statement of your hypothesis.
Your second slide should be a description of your data (what is your data?).
Your next slides should be a description/introduction to your specific methodology (systems, typologies, statistics, etc.) and an explanation of why you are using them and who has used them in past studies with similar data.
This should in essence be the introduction to your Methods chapter; before preparing this READ the section of Writing the Thesis pertaining to your methods chapter.
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research: your last slide should be the citations for the literature for your thesis that you have read this week.

Week 10

Assignment: Materials Chapter Draft 1
Each participant should prepare the first draft (or the next draft) of your materials chapter.
Even if you do not get the material written for all of your subheadings, be sure to include the subheadings in the position that they will appear.
Include figures or at least figure titles and placement.
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using Current Anthropology style).

Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research.

Week 11

Assignment: Statistics presentation 1
Each participant should come prepared with a fifteen minute PowerPoint presentation of your statistical results from your data using your first descriptive statistical method.
Your first slide should be a statement of your hypothesis.
Your second slide should be a description of your data (what is your data?).
Your next slides should be a presentation of the results of your initial statistical analyses.
For most of you this will involve the reporting of frequencies and/or means, standard deviations, etc as well as tests of significance. Remember that you need to report them in such a way that the reader/listener can see your raw results (i.e., tables) and an overview of the results (e.g., graphs).
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research: your last slide should be the citations for the literature for your thesis that you have read this week.

Week 12

Assignment: Materials Chapter Draft 2
Each participant should revise their draft the materials chapter based on the feedback from the first draft.
Even if you do not get the material written for all of your subheadings, be sure to include the subheadings in the position that they will appear.
Include figures or at least figure titles and placement.
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using Current Anthropology style).
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research.

Week 13

Assignment: Methods Chapter Draft 1
Each participant should prepare the first draft (or the next draft) of your methods chapter.
Even if you do not get the material written for all of your subheadings, be sure to include the subheadings in the position that they will appear.
Include figures or at least figure titles and placement.
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using Current Anthropology style).
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research.

Week 14

Assignment: Statistics presentation 2
Each participant should come prepared with a fifteen minute PowerPoint presentation of further statistical results from your data using methods that analyze your frequencies and/or means (e.g., chi-square, etc.).
Your first slide should be a statement of your hypothesis.
Your second slide should be a description of your data (what is your data?).
Your next slides should be a presentation of the results of your statistical analyses.
For most of you this will involve the reporting of frequencies and/or means, AND ALSO reporting standard deviations, etc as well as tests of significance. Remember that you need to report them in such a way that the reader/listener can see your raw results (i.e., tables) and an overview of the results (e.g., graphs).
Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research: your last slide should be the citations for the literature for your thesis that you have read this week.

Week 15

Assignment: Materials Chapter Draft 3
Each participant should revise their draft the materials chapter based on the feedback from the second draft.
Include figures or at least figure titles and placement.
You should include full references throughout and include a literature cited section following the style that will be used in your final thesis (you will be using Current Anthropology style).

Remember you should be keeping up with your literature research.