Most of the journals below are available through the library in the electronic databases. The links for each will take you directly to the appropriate database. If you are off-campus you will need your student number and library pin to access the databases.
American Anthropologist is the flagship journal of the American Anthropological Association. The journal advances the Association's mission through publishing articles that add to, integrate, synthesize, and interpret anthropological knowledge; commentaries and essays on issues of importance to the discipline; and reviews of books, films, sound recordings and exhibits. 4350 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 640, Arlington, VA 22203-1620. phone 703/528-1902; fax 703/528-3546. |
Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History The Anthropological Papers, published continuously since 1907, are monographic volumes that include some of the great ethnographies of the 20th century, particularly on North American Indians. Several illustrious anthropologists published their work in the Anthropological Papers, as well as many past and present curators of the AMNH Division of Anthropology. Prior to 1930, large special reports were published in the Memoirs. |
Annual Reviews publishes authoritative, analytic reviews in 33 focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Annual Reviews publications are among the most highly cited in scientific literature. Annual Reviews, Inc. 4139 El Camino Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306, Phone: (650) 493-4400. |
Current Anthropology is a transnational journal devoted to research on humankind, encompassing the full range of anthropological scholarship on human cultures and on the human and other primate species. Communicating across the subfields, the journal features papers in a wide variety of areas, including social, cultural, and physical anthropology as well as ethnology and ethnohistory, archaeology and prehistory, folklore, and linguistics. The University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637, Telephone: (773) 753-3347; Fax: (773) 753-0811, E-mail: |
The eHRAF World Cultures, published annually by Human Relations Area Files (HRAF), is a full-text, fully-indexed cultural database. It focuses on mostly pre-industrial cultures from around the world, and on North American immigrant groups. eHRAF differs from other databases because the documents (e.g. books, journal articles, dissertations) are indexed at the paragraph-level with over 700 subject codes from the Outline of Cultural Materials (OCM). 755 Prospect Street, New Haven, CT 06511-1225. Tel: 203-764-9401 or 1-800-520-4723. FAX: 203-764-9404. E-Mail: |
American Antiquity is a quarterly journal devoted to the archaeology of the New World, method and theory pertinent to the study of New World archaeology, and closely related subjects. It is one of the principal journals of the Society for American Archaeology. |
Antiquity is a quarterly journal of archaeological research. It has been the main journal of international archaeological debate and reporting for 74 years, and aims to present interesting topical and accessible material to a wide audience. The Company of Biologists, Bidder Building, 140 Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0DL, UK., Tel. +44 (0)1223 426164, Email |
Archaeology is published bimonthly by the Archaeological Institute of America. Subscription Service, P. O. Box 420423, Palm Coast, FL 32142-0423, (800) 829-5122. |
An innovative, international publication, the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology is devoted to the development of theory and, in a broad sense, methodology for the systematic and rigorous understanding of the organization, operation, and evolution of human societies. Academic Press, Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Department, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-4900, |
The Journal of Archaeological Research brings together the most recent international research summaries on a broad range of topics and geographical areas. This authoritative review journal improves access to the growing body of information and literature through the publication of original critical articles, each in a 25-40 page format. Peer-reviewed, state-of-the-art studies on a selected topic cover important fieldwork and discoveries, and survey recently published literature in the featured area. |
The Journal of Archaeological Science is aimed at archaeologists and scientists with particular interests in advances in the application of scientific techniques and methodologies to all areas of archaeology. This established bimonthly journal publishes original research papers, major review articles, and short notes of wide archaeological significance. Academic Press, Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Department, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-4900, |
The eHRAF Archaeology is a cross-cultural database containing information on the world's prehistory. This annually-growing eHRAF database is organized by archaeological traditions. The full-text sources are subject-indexed at the paragraph level. eHRAF Archaeology is a unique resource designed to facilitate comparative archaeological studies. The eHRAF databases are produced by the Human Relations Area Files, Inc. (HRAF) at Yale University. The mission of HRAF, a non-profit consortium of universities and colleges, is to encourage and facilitate worldwide and other comparative studies of human behavior, society, and culture. |
The American Journal of Biological Anthropology is the official journal of the American Association of Biological Anthropologists. The Journal is published monthly in three quarterly volumes, of four issues each. In addition, two supplements appear on an annual basis, the Yearbook of Biological Anthropology, which publishes major review articles. As measured by impact factor, the AJBA is among the top journals listed in the anthropology category by the Social Science Citation Index. The reputation of the AJBA as the leading publication in biological anthropology is built on its century-long record of publishing high quality scientific articles in a wide range of topics. |
The American Journal of Human Biology is a peer-reviewed, internationally circulated journal that publishes reports of original research, theoretical articles and timely reviews, and brief communications in the interdisciplinary field of human biology. Customer Service, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158-0012, Phone: 212-850-6645. |
The American Journal of Human Genetics provides a record of research and review relating to heredity in humans and to the application of genetic principles in medicine a nd public policy, as well as in related areas of molecular and cell biology. Topics explored by AJHG include behavioral genetics, biochemical genetics, clinical genetics, cytogenetics, dysmorphology, gene therapy, genetic counseling, genetic epidemiology, genomics, immunogenetics, molecular genetics, neurogenetics, and population genetics. |
The American Journal of Primatology is the official journal of the American Society of Primatologists. It publishes manuscripts on non-human primates in all areas of basic and applied life sciences. Articles published in the journal aim to increase significantly the understanding of the behavior or biology of primates in natural, semi-natural or formal captive environments, enhance welfare, management or research value of primates in any or all of these environments, advance knowledge of the evolution of primate diversity, or contribute to the conservation of this diversity. The journal publishes both original Research Articles and Review Articles. Customer Service, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158-0012, Phone: 212-850-6645. |
Animal Cognition is an interdisciplinary journal offering current research from many disciplines (ethology, behavioral ecology, animal behavior and learning, cognitive sciences, comparative psychology and evolutionary psychology) on all aspects of animal (and human) cognition in an evolutionary framework. Animal Cognition publishes original empirical and theoretical work, reviews, short communications and correspondence on the mechanisms and evolution of biologically rooted cognitive-intellectual structures. Editorial Office Animal Cognition
, Muehltalstrasse 2
, D-69121 Heidelberg, Germany
, e-mail:
, Fax: +49-6221-418315
Evolutionary Anthropology is an authoritative review journal that focuses on issues of current interest in biological anthropology, paleoanthropology, archaeology, functional morphology, social biology, and bone biology — including dentition and osteology — as well as human biology, genetics, and ecology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Subscription Department, 9th Floor, 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158, (212) 850-6479. |
HOMO – Journal of Comparative Human Biology is a fully peer-reviewed journal committed to the publication of research results in biological anthropology and related fields. For example: anatomy, archaeology, genetics, odontology, ecology, demography, palaeontology, palaeopathology, forensics, child growth, evolutionary medicine, health sciences and behavioural sciences. |
A world-wide forum for state-of-the-art ideas, methods, and techniques in the field, Human Biology focuses on genetics in the broadest sense. Included under this rubric are population genetics, evolutionary and genetic demography, quantitative genetics, genetic epidemiology, behavioral genetics, molecular genetics, and growth physiology parameters focusing on genetic/environmental interactions. |
The aim of the International Journal of Osteoarchaeology is to provide a forum for the publication of papers dealing with all aspects of the study of human and animal bones from archaeological contexts. Customer Service, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158-0012, Phone: 212-850-6645. |
The International Journal of Paleopathology (IJPP) will publish original and significant articles on human and animal (including hominids) disease, based upon the study of physical remains, including osseous, dental, and preserved soft tissues at a range of methodological levels, from direct observation to molecular, chemical, histological and radiographic analysis. Discussion of ways in which these methods can be applied to the reconstruction of health, disease and life histories in the past is central to the discipline, so the journal would also encourage papers covering interpretive and theoretical issues, and those that place the study of disease at the centre of a bioarchaeological or biocultural approach. |
The Journal of Human Evolution concentrates on publishing the highest quality papers covering all aspects of human evolution. The central focus is aimed jointly at palaeoanthropological work, covering human and primate fossils, and at comparative studies of living species, including both morphological and molecular evidence. Academic Press, Inc., Journal Subscription Fulfillment Department, 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, Florida 32887-4900. |
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution is dedicated to bringing Darwin's dream within grasp - to "have fairly true genealogical trees of each great kingdom of Nature." The journal provides a forum for molecular studies that advance our understanding of phylogeny and evolution, further the development of phylogenetically more accurate taxonomic classifications, and ultimately bring a unified classification for all the ramifying lines of life. Phylogeographic studies will be considered for publication if they offer EXCEPTIONAL theoretical or empirical advances. |
Nature is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting science, scientists and the wider public. |
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is one of the world's most-cited multidisciplinary scientific serials. Since its establishment in 1914, it continues to publish cutting-edge research reports, commentaries, reviews, perspectives, colloquium papers, and actions of the Academy. Coverage in PNAS spans the biological, physical, and social sciences. PNAS is published weekly in print, and daily online in PNAS Early Edition. |
The American Association for the Advancement of Science,
"Triple A-S" (AAAS), is an international non-profit organization dedicated to advancing science around the world by serving as an educator, leader, spokesperson and professional association. In addition to organizing membership activities, AAAS publishes the journal Science, as well as many scientific newsletters, books and reports, and spearheads programs that raise the bar of understanding for science worldwide. |
Forensic Science International is an international journal publishing original contributions in the many different scientific disciplines pertaining to the forensic sciences. Such fields include, for example, forensic pathology and histochemistry, chemistry, biochemistry and toxicology (including drugs, alcohol, etc.), biology, (including the identification of hairs and fibres), serology, odontology, psychiatry, questioned documents etc., as well as investigations of value to public health in its broadest sense, and the important marginal area where medicine and the law overlap. Elsevier Science, P.O. Box 945, New York, NY 10159-0945, USA, Tel. +1-212-633-3730. |
Journal of Forensic Sciences is the official publication of The American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Membership includes physicians, criminalists, toxicologists, attorneys, dentists, physical anthropologists, document examiners, engineers, psychiatrists, educators and others who practice and perform research in the many diverse fields relating to forensic science. 410 North 21st Street, Suite 203, Colorado Springs, CO 80904-2798 , Phone: (719) 636-1100. |
Archives of Oral Biology is an international journal which aims to publish papers of the highest scientific quality in the oral and craniofacial sciences. The journal is particularly interested in research which advances knowledge in the mechanisms of craniofacial development and disease, including: cell and molecular biology, molecular genetics, immunology, pathogenesis, cellular microbiology, embryology, syndromology, and forensic dentistry. |
Caries Research publishes epidemiological, clinical and laboratory studies in dental caries, erosion and related dental diseases. Some studies build on the considerable advances already made in caries prevention, e.g. through fluoride application. Some aim to improve understanding of the increasingly important problem of dental erosion and the associated tooth wear process. Others monitor the changing pattern of caries in different populations, explore improved methods of diagnosis or evaluate methods of prevention or treatment. The broad coverage of current research has given the journal an international reputation as an indispensable source for both basic scientists and clinicians engaged in understanding, investigating and preventing dental disease.
Not in Electronic Database |
The International Dental Journal is the main scientific publication of the FDI World Dental Federation. It features peer-reviewed, scientific articles relevant to international oral health issues, as well as practical, informative articles aimed at clinicians. |
The Journal of Dental Research (JDR) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal dedicated to the dissemination of new knowledge and information on all sciences relevant to dentistry and to the oral cavity and associated structures in health and disease. JDR is published monthly, allowing for frequent dissemination of its leading content. Rapid publication from acceptance to print provides timely communication of the latest research to the oral and dental community.
Additional content is available in two supplemental publications: Advances in Dental Research publishes leading meeting proceedings and Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine publishes timely state-of-the-art review articles. |
Advances in Dental Research publishes supplements to the Journal of Dental Research (JDR) with the publication of leading meeting proceedings. |
Critical Reviews in Oral Biology and Medicine publishes supplements to the Journal of Dental Research (JDR) with timely state-of-the-art review articles. |
This Journal's aim is to convey scientific progress in periodontology to those concerned with application of this knowledge for the benefit of the dental health of the community. It addresses itself primarily to clinicians, general practitioners, periodontists, as well as to teachers and administrators involved in the organisation of prevention and treatment of periodontal disease. The Journal publishes original contributions of high scientific merit in the field of physiology and pathology of the periodontium, diagnosis, epidemiology and prevention and therapy of periodontal disease, review articles by experts on new developments in basic and applied periodontal science, advances in periodontal technique and instrumentation, and case reports which illustrate important new information. |
The Journal of Periodontal Research is an international research periodical the purpose of which is to publish original clinical and basic investigations and review articles concerned with every aspect of periodontology and related sciences. Reports of scientific meetings in periodontology and related fields are also published. |
Periodontology 2000 comprises a series of monographs intended for periodontists and general practitioners with interest in periodontics. The editorial board identify significant topics and outstanding scientists and clinicians for the individual monographs. Periodontology 2000 serves as a valuable supplement to existing periodontal journals. |